I've been at Scala eXchange for the last two days. One of the topics that came up a couple of times was how the type system can be used to encode knowledge and rules, making it possible for the compiler to enforce these rather than needing unit tests to verify them. There were questions from some about how this actually works in practice, so I thought I'd produce some blog posts to demonstrate. This first one covers the most simple case.
Eliminating Conditionals Using Types
Consider the following (highly simplified) domain model:
case class CreditCheckResult(statusCode: String, creditLimit: Int) case class Customer(id: Long, name: String, creditCheckStatus: Option[CreditCheckResult])
This model indicates that a Customer may or may not have completed a credit check. However, we only want to register the customer if they have successfully passed through a credit check. The registration function therefore looks something like:
def register(customer: Customer): Either[String, String] = customer.creditCheckStatus match { case None => Left("Attempt to register non-credit checked customer") case Some(ccs) => { // Do the registration here Right(registrationCode) } }
This is a very common pattern in any places where an Option (or in Java a null) is used to indicate some conditional state (rather than a truly optional piece of data). The result is that we now need a unit test for both conditional cases:
class RegistrationSpec extends Specification { "The registration process" should { "register a credit checked customer" in { // Test code here } "fail to register a non-credit checked customer" in { register(Customer(1L, "Test")) must_== Left("Attempt to register non-credit checked customer") } } }
However, we can use the type system to completely remove the need for this conditional check and thus remove an entire unit test case from our code base. How do we do this? By representing the different states that a customer can be in with different types:
case class CreditCheckResult(statusCode: String, creditLimit: Int) trait Customer { def id: Long def name: String } case class UncheckedCustomer(id: Long, name: String) extends Customer case class CreditCheckedCustomer(id: Long, name: String, creditCheckStatus: CreditCheckResult) extends Customer
Our registration method can now be greatly simplified:
def register(customer: CreditCheckedCustomer) = { // Do the registration here }
And our test now needs to cover only the valid registration case:
class RegistrationSpec extends Specification { "The registration process" should { "register a credit checked customer" in { // Test code here } } }
Aaaahaaa, I hear you cry, but doesn't the complexity instead move to the creation of the correct type of Customer? In some cases this might be true, but you could easily validate this by constructing customers using this code as part of the above test. Hopefully you will be using a functional programming style and you will already have a function somewhere that takes an UncheckedCustomer and transforms them into a CreditCheckedCustomer as part of the credit check process: which will already by type safe and tested!
I'll add some more examples of using types to reduce code and unit testing over the coming week or two.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the information about this Really nice Post.
This makes little to me.
ReplyDeleteThe type of your first Customer class is of the form (Long *String*Option[CheckResult]), or even (Long * String * (1 + CheckResult)), writing 1+X for Option[X] to mean "either unit or X".
Your second type Customer has two cases, so it is of the form (Long*String) + (Long * String * CheckResult).
By simple algebraic reasoning, those two types are isomorphic: you should be able to write (tedious and possibly verbose) conversion functions in both direction, none of them adding or forgetting any information.
Given this isomorphism, I don't think you can claim that any of those two presentations is fundamentally better than some other. They are exactly equivalent. It's not that "complexity happens somewhere else", but you're doing the exact same stuff.
Now, I would be ready to believe that given the auxiliary functions you have at hand, one or the other representation happens to be more convenient. But I don't see how that can "reduce unit testing" for example; it probably means that the unit tests of one of the versions were unduly long and not factorized enough.
Great and extremely help. Thanks for sharing.