Monday, 26 November 2012

Encoding State Requirements in Types

In my previous post I looked at a simple way to eliminate conditional expressions by encoding them into the Scala type system. In this follow-up post I want to look at taking this further by using the Scala type system to encode state rules. The aim, as always, is to create code that fails to compile rather than code that fails at runtime. By doing this we also reduce the number of unit tests required.

The Problem

Consider a simple shopping workflow. I collect information about a Basket, the Customer and their Payment Method. Once I have all this in place I can create a processOrder function that completes the workflow process. As a naive starting point, lets encode this as a simple domain model holding optional values:

  case class CheckoutWorkflow(basket: Option[Basket], 
                              customer: Option[Customer], 
                              paymentMethod: Option[PaymentMethod])

  object CheckoutWorkflow {
    def empty = new CheckoutWorkflow(None, None, None)

Then we need some functions that populate the workflow:

  def processBasket(workflow: CheckoutWorkflow): CheckoutWorkflow = {
    if ( workflow.basket.isDefined )
      throw new IllegalStateException("Basket workflow step already processed")

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(basket = Some(basket))

  def processCustomer(workflow: CheckoutWorkflow): CheckoutWorkflow = {
    if ( workflow.customer.isDefined )
      throw new IllegalStateException("Customer workflow step already processed")

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(customer = Some(customer))

  def processPaymentMethod(workflow: CheckoutWorkflow): CheckoutWorkflow = {
    if ( workflow.paymentMethod.isDefined )
      throw new IllegalStateException("Payment Method workflow step already processed")

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(paymentMethod = Some(paymentMethod))

Note that each of the above functions has a guard condition to stop them being called multiple times for the same workflow. Each of these guard conditions would require a separate unit test to ensure that it works and to avoid regressions should it be accidentally removed in the future.

Finally, we need the method to process the order. Given our domain model above, this class needs to contain some conditional check to ensure that all the workflow requirements are satisfied before processing of the order can commence. Something like:

  def processOrder(workflow: CheckoutWorkflow) = workflow match {
    case CheckoutWorkflow(Some(basket), Some(customer), Some(paymentMethod)) => {
      // Do the order processing
    case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Workflow requirements not satisfied")

None of the above is obviously ideal as there are a number of places that have the potential to error at runtime. The conditionals pollute our code with non-business logic. Also, we have to write good unit tests to ensure all the conditionals are working correctly and have not been accidentally removed. Even then, any client may call our code having not met the requirements encoded in the conditionals and they will receive a runtime error. Let's hope they unit test as thoroughly as we do! Surely we can do better than this?

A Less Than Ideal Solution

Well, we could use the approach outlined in my previous post and use domain model extensions:

  case class WorkflowWithBasket(basket: Basket)
  case class WorkflowWithBasketAndCustomer(basket: Basket, customer: Customer)
  case class WorkflowWithAllRequirements(basket: Basket, 
                                         customer: Customer, 
                                         paymentMethod: PaymentMethod)

  def processOrder(workflow: WorkflowWithAllRequirements) = {
     // Do the order processing

While this does allow removal of all the conditionals and associated tests, it unfortunatley also reduces the flexibility of our model quite significantly in that the order that the workflow must be processed is now encoded into the domain model. Not ideal. We'd like to keep the flexibility from the first solution but in a type safe way. Is there a way that we can encode the requirements into the type system?

Levaraging The Type System

First, lets consider what we want to achieve. Our aim to encode unsatisfied and satisfied workflow requirements and only allow methods to be called when the correct combinations are set. So, let's first encode the concept of requirements:

  trait BasketRequirement
  case object UnsatisfiedBasketRequirement extends BasketRequirement
  trait CustomerRequirement
  case object UnsatisfiedCustomerRequirement extends CustomerRequirement
  trait PaymentMethodRequirement
  case object UnsatisfiedPaymentMethodRequirements extends PaymentMethodRequirement

Here we have defined requirement traits for each of the different workflow stages. We also defined case objects to represent the unsatisfied state of each requirement. Next we need to indicate the satisfied states, which are our actual domain object classes:

  case class Basket(items: List[LineItem]) extends BasketRequirement
  case class Customer(id: String) extends CustomerRequirement
  case class PaymentMethod(paymentType: PaymentType) extends PaymentMethodRequirement

Next job is to make sure that our workflow object can represent these requirements and be strongly typed on either the satisfied or unsatisfied state. We do this by adding type bounds to each of the workflow types. This also allows us to eliminate the need for the Option types. We also define an 'unsatisfied' instance as the starting point for our workflow:

  case class CheckoutWorkflow[B <: BasketRequirement,
                              C <: CustomerRequirement,
                              PM <: PaymentMethodRequirement]
                              (basket: B, customer: C, paymentMethod: PM)

  object CheckoutWorkflow {
    val unsatisfied = CheckoutWorkflow(UnsatisfiedBasketRequirement,

Now we need the functions that actually process each individual workflow stage. Note how each one defines type bounded parameters for the things it doesn't care about. However, for the stage that it actually manipulates it requires that it is called with the Unsatisfied type and returns the Satisfied type. Thus, you can no longer call any of these methods with a workflow that already has that stage satisfied: the compiler won't allow it:

  def processBasket[C <: CustomerRequirement, PM <: PaymentMethodRequirement]
    (workflow: CheckoutWorkflow[UnsatisfiedBasketRequirement.type, C, PM]): 
      CheckoutWorkflow[Basket, C, PM] = {

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(basket = basket)

  def processCustomer[B <: BasketRequirement, PM <: PaymentMethodRequirement]
    (workflow: CheckoutWorkflow[B, UnsatisfiedCustomerRequirement.type, PM]): 
      CheckoutWorkflow[B, Customer, PM] = {

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(customer = customer)

  def processPaymentMethod[B <: BasketRequirement, C <: CustomerRequirement]
    (workflow: CheckoutWorkflow[B, C, UnsatisfiedPaymentMethodRequirements.type]): 
      CheckoutWorkflow[B, C, PaymentMethod] = {

    // Do some processing...
    workflow.copy(paymentMethod = paymentMethod)

Finally, our processOrder function becomes super simple. You just can't call it any more unless it has no Unsatisfied types:

  def processOrder(workflow: CheckoutWorkflow[Basket, Customer, PaymentMethod]) = {
    // Process the order

One observation that was made to me by someone (a Java dev) who looked at my initial draft of the code was that the final solution looks more complex due to all the type bounds and that there's actually more classes due to the need to define the requirement traits and the Unsatisfied state objects. However, don't forget that this solution eliminates at least four conditional blocks and associated unit tests, simplifies others and also possibly reduces the number of tests that clients need to write on their code as well. Also, there's no possibility of runtime failure. If the code compiles then we have a much higher confidence that it will work. Well worth a tiny bit more type complexity in my book.


  1. Great example Chris.

  2. val basket: Option[Basket] = processBasket()
    val customer: Option[Customer] = processCustomer()
    val pm: Option[PaymentMethod] = processPaymentMethod()
    for(b <- basket; c <- customer; pm <- paymentMethod) processOrder(b, c, pm)

    1. Thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately it doesn't solve the problems that I was specifically trying to address in the post.

      Firstly, the solution you propose doesn't really compose in the monadic style very well. My ultimate design was thinking more of some form of workflow monad and then flat mapping each of the workflow stage functions across it, capturing errors along the way. A simple version where just calling methods that return options doesn't work as well in this style and leads to a more procedural code style.

      Next, there is nothing stopping a developer accidentally calling one of the processXYZ() methods more than once within the process of completing the workflow. You'd need to write tests to make sure of this. My solution with types explicitly forbids this at compilation time.

      Finally, if any of the processXYZ() methods returns a None value then the for comprehension will not be applied, and a None would be returned. We'd therefore have to write extra conditional code to deal with this case and some associated tests against that code. In my solution, the code will fail to compile if all conditions are not met and thus requires none of this additional plumbing or testing.

      As a general rule I'd recommend avoiding the Option type for these sort of situations. My general experience is that Option is used far too frequently in Scala code. Keeps its use for cases where there is truly an optional piece of data and state and don't overuse it to encode things that can be better dealt with in different ways that are more type safe, can be checked by the compiler and do not need additional unit testing.

  3. I learn so many points from your post !! Thanks..
